Beliefs & Statement of Faith

What is a Statement of Faith?

As a church, our corporately held beliefs bind us together in unity. Our Statement of Faith, much like the creeds and confessions developed throughout church history, serves to express our shared faith and articulate how our church understands the key teachings of Scripture. Affirmation of our Statement of Faith is a standard of membership at Risen Church.

1853 New Hampshire Confession

Risen Church Statement of Faith

The New Hampshire Confession of Faith, adopted by a group of Baptist churches in 1853, is a Statement of Faith that accurately expresses our core doctrinal positions. It is an orthodox, gospel-centered, and thorough expression of the Christian faith, without being overly rigid in secondary matters. The statement below is the 1853 New Hampshire Confession, with updated language to enhance 21st century readability.

Additional Articles

In addition to the 1853 New Hampshire Confession, we affirm the following beliefs, which deal with 21st century Christian ethics.

Historic Creeds

In addition to the the above statements, Risen Church affirms the following historic Creeds of the Ancient Church.